Monday 23 November 2015

Slimming World Christmas Meals Planning

My calendar is filling up for December, I love this time of the year, but I always have allot on as December is also my birthday month. I have worked so hard since the Summer to lose weight and eat well. I don't want to blow all that hard work but I also want to enjoy myself so I will be using flexi syns for allot of the meals out but will be extra good on days leading up to days and nights out.
I have something planned for every week in December, sometimes a number of things on the same week so it will take some good food planning in between to keep the weight off!

* Monday 30th November - Rathwood Santa Train with Oisín
This is a children's event that we are bringing Oisín to 
a Santa Train around the Rathwood Grounds
Then to see Santa and real reindeer then off to make your very own elf
We will be having lunch and hot chocolate here
but I have decided to save on the syns and bring my own lunch!
But I will enjoy a nice hot chocolate but syn it!

* Friday 4th December - Family Christmas Day Out
This is one of our family traditions a day out into Dublin City Centre
To bring Oisín to see Santa Clause (again) go to the Christmas Markets
Finish our Christmas shopping, see the Christmas lights
and finish off with dinner
For dinner I will be using my flexi syns and will be having a glass of wine with dinner
I plan to be extra good for the week leading up to this so might be saving syns during the
week to keep for this day

* Saturday 5th December - Slimming World Christmas Party 
I will be having dinner and drinks at this, again I will be using flexi syns
I expect a little gain after this week after having a few events this week
but I will be remembering my tipping point and plan to not have dessert

* Saturday 12th December - Girls Birthday/Christmas Meal
My friends and I always met up before Christmas to swap presents
and enjoy a girls night out. We will be going to a beautiful Thai restaurant
I have already ate here before so I know what the menu is like
I will choose an on plan starter and main, then skip desert to instead
enjoy a few glasses of bubbly my drink of choice
Again I plan to be very good the week before this meal 
and use flexi syns

* Saturday 19th December - Christmas At The Dogs Work Night Out
For something different this year my Christmas work do is a dogs race night
I am really looking forward to this and have decided to relax and enjoy the night
I will be having on plan starter and main, but will enjoy dessert and drinks

*Monday 21st December - My Birthday Meal Out
As a tradition hubby and I always go out for meal for on Christmas week
for my birthday which is on Christmas Eve.
 I am really looking forward to this we are going to Jamie Oliver's
I will skip a starter, have flexi syns for my main enjoy dessert and a glass of wine

I have to be honest  Christmas Day I will not be counting syns
I am going to eat, drink, relax and enjoy Christmas day
and be back on plan the 26th!

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