Monday 2 November 2015

Over The Weekend #7

This weekend it was Halloween and I wasn't sure how
Oisín was going to like it! He didn't like the costumes in the shops and
wasn't very keen on the decorations, but I didn't have to worry
he loved it!

Oisín had a Halloween morning in daycare
on Friday and he wore his glow in the dark
trick of treat Peppa Pig top!

Our little Pumpkin King!
He really enjoyed seeing the other children
dressed up, and when he realised he was getting sweets
he seem to like it even more!
Mama Witch and Baby Pumpkin!

We watched the fireworks while at
the bonfire

Sunday was another lovely day my parents came up
for Sunday Lunch but I forgot to get out my camera
to take any pictures

Then we it was prosecco and Downton Time!

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