Wednesday 16 March 2016

On The Box This Week

Warning-TV Spoilers Ahead!

This series is already over! Ten episodes in two weeks and it's
gone from our screens again until next year! This series really took it up
a gear with all our characters in an unhappy place at the end of the series
Elizabeth looks like she has had a heart attack while getting ready to leave with new
beau, James learns his son isn't his, Olivia leaves after learning James has slept with the new Doctor, Jack learns that Carolyn was raped by Sir Richard. George tells Sarah he loves her and will wait for to grieve for her husband no matter how long it takes. Regina over hears and puts rat poison in Sarah's tonic which Sarah drinks and the screen goes to black!! Now we have to wait till next year to find out what happens next!

What a bitter sweet ending to Mr Selfridge
after the events of the past nine episodes we more or less knew
Selfridges wouldn't belong to Harry soon. He had to many gambling debts and his
relationship with the Dolly sisters had ruined his good name in the press. 
That with recent scandals of goods been shifted from different stores and never letting his
son competely take over spelt the end of Harry.
That said the flashbacks from 2013 when the series started (I have been
a big fan since then) brought tears to my eyes. Jeremy Piven played a binder and everyone stood for Harry as he left the store he build from nothing. The show gave Harry his happy ending as against all the odds Lady Mae was waiting for him to go travelling "Paris, Rome anywhere as long as your with me" she told him. The series ended as it started with Harry walking across the street from Selfridges this time with Lady Mae in his arms. So marks the end of Mr Selfridge but maybe not the end of Selfridges as another show could be made about what happens next!

This series in back, I really enjoyed this dark drama last year
It reminds me of the type of the books I like, full of secrets and layers
which we have to strip it away. Three years have passed it's now 1935 and tension in India
is reaching it's max. The secret relationship between Alice and Aafin seems to be over. Aafin is
still playing both sides, helping stir an rebellion while attending the English club
and becoming Ralph's confidante. Julie Walter yet again plays a blinder as the slightly
crazy for power Cynthia. Sunday nights are looking good again!

Last week Carol and Maggie got caught by some of Negan's group
so this we week got an episode that was lead by women. Not just by Maggie
and Carol but by there mirror images in Negan's group Paula, Molly and Chelle
This week we saw more of Carol's humanity come back to her maybe Morgan
has had an effect on her as she struggled to out right kill people. We then relize
that that could be one of the reasons she placed herself outside with Maggie last week.
The other reason of course is she wanted to Maggie out of danger as best she could
In the end of course our girls save themselves by killing the ladies of Negans gang. We can see it's had an effect on them when they are asked if there okay and both say not but again it's Rick that shoots a man a point blank range after he says he is Negan which we know he isn't. We then understand what Molly said earlier when she said there all Negan. This group will all be Negan if they have to be to save there leader from harm.
As the audience is left thinking Negan must be some kind of bad if we are going to justify Rick and his groups actions in the last couple of episodes
Hopefully we will find out soon as this season has only three more episodes left! 

Digital or Online Favourite:
Paul and I have been watching this online as the second season
is not airing in Ireland which sucks!
This show is awesome! This is my favourite comic book show!
I can take or leave The Flash and Arrow but it's Gotham that I love!
It's alot dark then the other two shows and I really enjoy watching
how the villains come to be! This season we have seen, The Penguin, The Riddler
and The Joker start to become the nasty baddies we later see in Batman
We are about to start on the second half of season two when I believe
Mr Freeze is about to make his chilling entrance!

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