Tuesday 14 June 2016

25 Bookish Facts About Me

1.I got my love of reading from my parents
My parents are huge readers and where both big readers as children
They both agreed that reading was a great gift to give a child, so my brother and I where read to alot growing up. I loved reading, my brother not so much he got a love of Math and I the love of English lit! I still give and get book recommendations from my parents today!

2. I am a very fast reader
Which I get from my Dad, we both can finish a book in a day or two!
My Mam is a much slower reader it can take her weeks to finish a book which can be annoying if I am waiting to read that book after her! My hubby is also a very slow reader he laughs that I will have finished four books while he is still on the same one!

3. I am a night time reader
I will read whatever chance I get, but with having a two year old I normally only get the chance to read when he is napping or in bed for the night. I have often go to bed for an early night only to be still reading at 1am!

4.I have a kindle that I never use
I am very old school I much prefer books!

5. I very rarely buy books
Because I am such a fast reader I would spent a small fortune if I was to buy all the books I read!
I mostly use the library or second hand shop for my books but if there is a new book I really want I will buy if from a book shop. Also if I bring books on holidays with me I always buy them encase they get lost!

6. If a book hasn't engrossed me by the 100 page I normally give up
A book should have caught my attention by the 100 page if not I find it hard not to put down. There are so many books out there and life is too short to be suffering through a book I don't like!

7. I like to take my time through book series I like
If I like a series of books I take my time over them, to be honest I don't want to finish them. I recently finished the Game of Thrones series but I started that over two years ago! I was the same with the Lord of the Rings, Flowers in the Attic and now the Outlander series

8. I have never read any Young Adult Fantasy
It's not something I plan on reading right now either being a 32 year old its not something that appeals to me but I know it's huge in the world of reading so that might change.

9. I love music and books but not together
I am one of those people who can't read if there music or loud back round noise!

10. I haven't read Harry Potter beside the first novel
This is something I really need to work on as I loved the movies

11. I always lose bookmarks
I currently have a old photo being used as a book marker but an found a really cute Jamie Fraiser one I want on esty!

12. If I love a book I will look for merchandise for it
My collection includes a Wuthering Heights mug, Anne of Green Gables cup, Hand of the King pin from Game of Thrones, various Phantom of the Opera merch, Game of Thrones wine glass, Outlander colouring book and I want to add alot more to it!

13. It really annoys me when a book cover is misleading
Yes judge me if you want but book covers and blurbs are big for me when choosing a book
So it annoys me no end when the cover is for a light chick lit but the book is more deeper than that.

14. The one genre I don't read much of is horror
I read almost everything else, classic, chick lit, fantasy, sci-fi, historical fiction, romance, thriller and crime but I just can't get into horror plus it scares the crap out of me!

15. The library is one of my most favourite places
This is true for me since I was a child, and now it seems the same for my son
Even at two and half he loves it and trying to get him to leave is a chore
But I am so proud of that!

16. I read fan fiction
If I ship it than I read the crappy fan fic that goes along with it!

17. I would take my books to school and read them on break
When I was in the last two years of school some days I would bring a current book I was reading into school to read on lunch break. I will never forget when I was around 16 one of my teachers asked what I was currently reading and I whipped out a Jill Cooper book the look on her face was so funny!!

18. I plan on reading Roald Dahl to my son when he is older
Just like my Dad did for me and how we laughed at The Twits and The BFG

19. I am a bit of a book snob
I have read all the classic authors, Dickens, Austen, Brontes, Shelley, Tolstoy, Hardy, Tolkien, and Stoker so some modern books just don't cut it for me!

20. I cannot read William Shakespeare
I think this is because of how much I had to study his works in school
and I haven't read any of his work since!

21. The first audio book I listen to was Phantom of The Opera
I couldn't get a copy of the book anywhere and the audio book had a picture of Sarah Brightman and Michael Crawford from the musical on the cover which sold me. I loved it and have listened to many an audio book since!

22. I don't have many friends that read
Most of my friends are not into reading, I only have two that do but there much more into chick lit so we don't do many book swaps

23. My favourite me time activity is reading
Whether it's having a bubble bath with a book, cup of coffee and a quick read or a glass of wine with a book in hand, reading is what I do when I need some me time!

24. I love writing book reviews
Not on good reads but just on this little blog of mine!

25. I am a book nerd and proud
Yes I am a book worm, to be honest I never had a problem growing up that I was a book nerd
maybe it was because my parents loved reading so much too
I am so proud that my little boy is showing signs of following in my footsteps too
Reading really is a passport to anywhere

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