Wednesday 1 June 2016

On The Box This Week

Warning-TV Spoilers Ahead!

Tissues is what your going to need watching the Outlander episode called Faith, lots and lots of tissues!
What a beautiful episode, it is such a powerful emotional part in the book and the writers, producers and especially Caitriona Balfe gave us an amazing episode.
I loved how this episode opened with Claire sitting with a daughter in Boston in the 1950's looking at a picture book of different birds. As Claire looks at the wings of the bird on the pages her mind travels back to Paris. 
Poor Claire we knew when we saw her bleeding in the last episode that it didn't look good and in this episode she loses her precious baby. She goes into compete denial I sobbed as she screams and pleas for her baby. Mother Hildegarde is at Claire's side as she mourns the death of her baby which was a daughter. She tells Claire she baptised her daughter even though she was still born and called her Faith so that she could bury her in the graveyard. These scenes where so emotional Caitriona Balfe's acting was so powerful as the grieving Claire who lost her miracle baby.
Claire is still very sick she knows that it is due to some placenta being left inside her womb but she has lost the will to live, she is blaming Jamie's duel for her losing there baby. He is now locked up in prison for duelling and she doesn't care if she never gets out of that hospital bed. Master Raymond disguised as a Monk sneaks into the hospital (has he is in hiding from the King due to the King wanting to clean the Paris streets of magic)  he knows just by looking at Claire that he needs to remove the placenta. He does so and then has to leave as he knows the French King will have his head if he is caught in the streets. The scene when Claire come back to her French home after weeks of recovering in the hospital was a beautiful one. The young actor playing Fergus deserves an emmy after the heartbreaking scenes when he tells Claire what Black Jack done to him and that's the reason Jamie broke his vow to duel.
Suddenly Claire understands and although she is still very hurt and annoyed with Jamie she forgives him. She knows she is his only chance of getting out of jail. She knows the King will want to sleep with her for him to grant her favour but Jamie sacrificed himself to save her once now she must do the same. The Star Chamber scene was done brilliantly exactly how I imagined it from the books. So we say goodbye to France as Claire tells Jamie to bring her home to Scotland. Before he does though they go to there little Faith's grave such a sad scene as he places one of the silver christening spoons on her grave to watch over her.
So looking forward to seeing Scotland again

After a fairly strong second season The Flash went out with a bang in it's season finale
After witnessing his Father killed by Zoom in the last episode Barry is hell bent on revenge
He doesn't take the advice of his friends and family until it's almost too late. I don't understand the whole science of time travel and different earths as much as my hubby does but I enjoy this show and just go along with all the science jab. In the end Barry beats Zoom with the same trick Zoom used, with a time remnant. The man in the mask who Zoom has been keeping locked up all season weas revealed to us as Jay Garrick from Earth 3 in the form of Barry's recently deceased Father's doppelganger. This was of course a huge nod to the original 1990 Flash series where the actor John Wesley Shipp who plays Barry's Dad was The Flash.
The gang hatch a plan to get him back to Earth 3 Harry and Jesse decide to go back home to Earth 2. Barry unable to come to terms with losing his Mother and Father runs back in time and saves his Mother's life. Thus in doing so he will not become The Flash. I know fans where left scratching there heads! What now for Barry Allen and The Flash?! 

This season of Arrow started off strong with a really good first half season, but for me it really declined when it came back for the second half of season four. The strong villain that was brilliantly acted was dragged out for over twenty hour long episodes. The flash backs now feel stale and add nothing to the show or characters. Viewers and fans loved the whole team Arrow feel to the first half of the season, also Oliver running for mayor storyline was great and it felt like Oliver was seeing the hope not the darkness in the world it was good character development. As the season went on it felt like it was stuck in a rut, with the characters and the storyline moved backwards. 
While Dhark was a good villain his plan to cleanse the world and then destroy the world was stupid and we weren't given any reason or back story why he wanted to do this, instead giving this time to boring flashbacks. When Oliver did kill Dhark it didn't really grip me it was meh! Not a good sigh for a season finale of a show. This episode ended with Oliver as mayor (something that should of happened at the start of the season IMO) and Lance, Thea and Diggle all taking time out from team Arrow and Star city with just Oliver and Felicity left to fight crime.
I am left wondering where the show can go next?

Something that annoys with so called fans of Game of Thrones it that once we have a slower episode reviews and social media say boring!
IMO this was not a boring episode and if you really understand and "get" Thrones you will understand the need to have slower paced subdued episodes. It does say something for this season when a new alliance if formed, a Stark who thought is dead returns, Ayra reclaimed needle, and we saw one huge dragon and the episode is branded boring!!
This episode opens with Meera still dragging Bran away from the White Walkers just when all looks lost a figure on a horse saves them both. He reveals himself to be Benjen Stark, Ned's brother who went missing beyond the wall way back in season one! He tells Bran that the Children of the Forest saved him from death with a shard of dragon glass in his heart.
Walder Frey was back and giving his sons a hard time for losing Riverrun to the Tully's
and drags Edmure Tully (Tobais Menzies has been busy) from the cell he has been keeping him in since the Red Wedding!
Sam and Gilly have the most awkward reunion with Sam's family. His Father turns out to be a right nasty piece of work. He reminded me of Tywin Lannister and his hatred of Tyrion. Poor Sam was hoping there was going to be any hunting trips soon! Soon he had enough took Gilly, Baby Sam and the families valyrian steel sword and ran!
Tommen proved he is the puppet to The High Sparrow and at the last minute also Margaery as they stopped the King Guard attacking the Faith Militant as they agreed on a alliance of Gods and Kings.
Ayra couldn't give up her name or her list she couldn't kill her target, she was fond of the actress she was meant to poison. She dug out needle and we know the waif is hot on her heels as the faceless man tells her not to let Ayra suffer!
Finally we see Daenerys as her dragon Drogo comes back to her twice the size as he was when he left her! Her army of Dothraki in awe of her and her dragon agree to sail across the seas and make he Queen.

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