Friday 17 June 2016

Oisìn at Two & Half Years Old

Dear Oisìn,
Seems like only yesterday you where in my tummy and only a moment ago it was your first birthday, and yet this year is the year you will turn three! Time flies when your having fun!
You have changed and become more of a little boy the past few months that I feel I need to document it! You have become less of a toddler and more of a little boy. You have settled into daycare for three mornings of the week and after a shaky start you love it, you have lots of little friends and it has thought you how to share. 
You are mostly very good and well behaved but you do have what we call the Furey frown when you are mad which is very like Daddy! You can also have a little temper when you don't get your own way but a couple of minutes on the naughty chair usually sorts that out!
You are so independent and have always been so but you love to try do everything yourself. Brushing your own teeth, cutting up your own food, washing your hands and even helping me with chores around the house. You have gone from a cot to a toddler bed and of course you took to it like a duck to water.
You have become a right little chatter box, and every day you are learning new words. It's lovely to have a little chat with you, even if sometimes it's mostly two year old language! You definitely have the Furey music gene which seems to have skipped your Dad! When Dad is in work we have the music on and you love to sing and dance. Your favourite songs at the moment are Three Little Birds, ABC Song and Old MacDonald.
You also love to watch TV very like Daddy but I try limited your screen time and sometimes am not your best friend because of it! Your favourite TV shows are Peppa Pig which has been your big favourite for a long time, but you also like Twirl woos and Mr Tumble. Your favourite movies are Pixar, Toy Story, Cars and Finding Nemo. You are so good watching movies that we are going to bring you to see Finding Dory when it comes out this summer.
One thing that I am quite hard on is manners and you have excellent manners. You always say please and thank you, an now have took it upon yourself to say thank you Mammy and Daddy at every meal which makes me so proud.
Speaking of food you just love your grub!! You are just a busy little boy who never seems to be full! You eat almost everything but are a bit iffy about onions, carrots and pears!!
Out of all the toys you have you love your puzzles, jigsaws, drawing board and toy cars the most. You also love reading which makes me so proud, you love the library just like Mammy!
Daddy takes you swimming twice a week which you just love sometimes I will come along and you just amazing me at how well you can swim. So like Dory said just keep swimming!

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