Wednesday 22 June 2016

On The Box This Week

Warning-TV Spoilers Ahead!

Love Nina, finished this week on BBC and I really enjoyed this funny quirky mini series
This week Nina is questioning what is next for her, George brilliantly played by Helena Bonham Carter is annoyed that Nina is so awful at the household chores and hires a clearer. Nina quickly displeases the clearer and she quits more or less before she even started! Nina is under stress to pass her A level if she wants to go to college and her relationship with her boyfriend is also tested.
The episode ends on a high note with Nina passing her A level, George telling her even though she is useless at the chores the boys love her and she makes them happy and even her boyfriend comes around and is waiting for her after her exam.

This was my husbands favourite episodes of Outlander
Dougal had a real wake up call this episode and found out what a
soft, idiot loser Bonnie Prince Charles really is. The look on Dougal's face when after
riding his horse out into bog lands to see if the English troops could cross through it, Charles
hugs and kisses him was priceless! I think deep in his heart then Dougal knew this isn't the man to bring Scotland victory. The two men are fighting for something different Charles for the throne of England and Dougal for a free Scotland.
Claire was in full nurse mode, rallying her ladies the same way Jamie was rallying his men. She was so busy looking after the camp she forgot to give Fergus a job that would keep him out of trouble. He sneaks off and goes with Jamie's men when they plan an ambush on the English.
The scenes I loved the most this week where not the ones with Jamie and Claire
(although of course I loved them too)
but where the ones with Angus and Rupert there funny, crude, manly, friendship
made me laugh and cry this week. How Angus tells Rupert he can have his Scarlet the part time hoor if he dies and Rupert tell him she is not his to give!
The fog battle scenes were brilliantly done I loved everything about these scenes. Poor Angus carries his best friend into the camp hospital but the first thing Rupert asks about his Angus and how a canon exploded beside him. Claire who is outnumbered with wounded quickly checks them over and tells them both they should be okay, but warns Angus about falling asleep. Fergus turns up in shock and tells Claire he killed a man, she is not sure if she should box his ears or hug him! Claire finds Angus sleeping standing up but he is actually dying as he has been suffering from internal injuries, poor Angus dies a bloody death surrounded by his friends. The end of the episode was heartbreaking as Rupert sings mournfully Down Among The Dead Men for his lost friend.
This was a sad episode as one of the original characters died
our friends may have won the battle but they still have the war of Culloden to come.

Sad news for Penny Dreadful fans as this season has been announced as the last one
I for one am gutted as I LOVE this show and this season has been amazing
So next week will be my last review of this brilliant show!
The trio in America are on a boat home after Kaetenay has a vision that Vanessa is being seduced by Dracula. Ethan realises that he loves Vanessa and always has, in hindsight the conversation he has with Malcolm on the ship does has a hint of the end about it.
Lily has completely took over Dorian's home, and now he doesn't look frighted about it more
shall we say pissed off!! As he and Lily go for a walk her tells her how bored he has become with her and her plans, and frankly he is disappointed in her and the direction she has gone in. This speech showed us just how ruthless Dorian is and how he as survived for so long and added a depth the character which I had forgotten. Just as Lily is about to bite back she is quickly pulled into a carriage by Frankenstein and Jekyll who bring her to Bedlam to try change her back into the lady she once was.
John Clare seems to have got the happy ending he once dreamt off, after speaking with Vanessa he goes to his wife, who takes his back into her arms and tells him she loves him scars and all. They go to there son who is frighten but holds his Father's hand telling him without words that he loves him and accepts him. Not going to lie there where tears in my eyes at these scenes.
Finally Vanessa realises who Dracula is, and she goes to confront him in his creatures of the night museum. He tells her that he loves her for who she is, he will never try change her, and he just wants her to be who she really is. She gives in to him, he kisses her and then bites her neck and the creatures of the night close in....

So we come to episode nine of season six
Wow did this episode deliver the goods and live up to the hype of the now famous episode nine
I'll start with Meereen where Daenerys is looking on in horror as the masters destroy the city
She goes all burn everything to the ground mode until Tyrion has a word with her and suggests she plays a different card. The result is awesome when the masters met with her they think she has come to surrender but it is soon made clear that is not the case, when we see a dragon on the horizon. Soon she is flying out to sea on Drogon, when suddenly her other two dragons join her and wipe out the fleet of ships destroying the city. In the city itself the Dothraki take on the sons of harpy and Grey Worm takes out the masters.
Later in the episode the Greyjoys turn up at Daenerys feet offering there ships and an alliance, if she will name Yara as the rightful heir to the Iron Islands. The chemistry between Daenerys and Yara was great to watch and I am secretly shipping these two!
To the North where the battle of the two bastards was about to go down!
Sansa is trying to get Jon to listen to her about Ramsay she knows him and the games he plays, but Jon being a typical bloke will not listen to her and thinks he knows best. One thing I am not sure about is why at this time did Sansa not tell her brother about Littlefinger and the troops who would hopefully be there in time? Surely now was the time to tell him, maybe he could of changed his battle tactics if he had know more troops where on the way? It makes me wonder if Sansa is playing a game of her own?
The morning of the battle arrives just as Davos find Shireen's little wooden stag lying burned in the what remains of her funeral pyre, a nod to what happened in last season's episode nine. Davos loved that girl and by the look he throws Melisandre when he gets back to camp he knows it was her doing.
When Ramsay brings Rickon out on a lead we just know this isn't going to end well.
He plays a game of cat and mouse with the poor lad, telling Rickon to run to
Jon while Ramsay fires arrows at him, when Rickon is just seconds away from his brother Ramsay lands an arrow through his heart. The battle begins and what a battle it is, everyone who was involved in this show done a breathtaking job. It had me on the edge of my seat, the sounds, sights and suffocating feel of war had me sweating and thinking that maybe our hero's would not win. It did look like that as Ramsay's men surrounded what was left of Jon's band of hero's, death was surely closing in until, we saw the arrival of the troops from the vale lead by Littlefinger and Sansa.
Jon hunted down Ramsay and with the help of a Giant, Stark banners soon flew again in Winterfell
Goosebumps and tears all round!!
Jon smashed Ramsay's face in but then leaves what's left of him to Sansa. Who calmly waits for Ramsay to come around in his cell and released his own hounds on him.
She walks away with a grin on her face!
And with that the North was reminded.....

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