Wednesday 21 December 2016

Christmas Q&A

Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? 
Hot Chocolate I love it!

Does Santa wrap presents or just puts them under the tree? 
Santa leaves the "main present" unwrapped but wraps up any surprises Oisín might get!

Colored or white lights on tree/house? 
I love white/gold lights on our tree and around the house
this year I have added some red lights around our TV
as our Christmas colour theme is red and gold

Do you hang mistletoe?
If I can get any I do! I left it too late this year to get any!

When do you put your decorations up?
Normally the first weekend of December, or if I can get the hubby to agree
the last week in November!

What is your favourite holiday dish?
Christmas roast turkey I know alot of people don't like it but I love it!

Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve?
 Well it's my Birthday so I get to open Birthday gifts
This year Oisìn will be getting his Christmas Eve box from Jolly the Elf!

What's the most important thing about the Holidays for you? 
It's all about being with family and friends for me!

What is your favourite holiday tradition?
Going into Dubin city center to see the lights and see Santa

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