Tuesday 13 December 2016

Festive Reads

It's no secret that I LOVE reading and I am a sucker for a pretty festive cover!
During the year I don't read an awful lot of Chic Lit yet it's all I want to read at Christmas time!
I love the feel good factor and also a good cry when I am reading at Christmas.
This book has it all Every Time A Bell Rings is basically an Irish retelling off A Wonderful Life
I will be doing a full review of this book at the end of the month but I really did love it
I have been reading some other festive books this month but so far this book ticks all the boxes for me

I also love reading and circling the Christmas TV Guide 
A cuppa, a highlighter, twinkly lights and the Christmas guide...bliss
Yet TBH there isn't much this year that I am looking forward to besides The Call The Midwife Special
and of course a magazine of all the Christmas food goodies!
What are your festive reads this year?

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