Saturday 3 December 2016

Life Lately~Cosy Days, Ballet & Cuddles!

Life has been busy lately and Oisìn seems to be so active that I barely get a minute to think, never mind do any blogging! I seem to have lost my blogging mojo! I am hoping to change that this month with a month filled with festive fun posts!
Last week myself, cousin and My Mam all had a lovely girlie day out for a meal, drinks
and then we went to see The Nutcracker. I have a blog post planned for a full review of the was in one word amazing!

We then had a Christening and my Goddaughter's 16th Birthday on the same day!
It was a very busy day but in the end we had great fun
Oisìn was delighted to see all his family and had great fun making jigsaws by the fire

We put up our Christmas tree and decorations last Sunday after Paul begged me
Which is very funny because it's normally me who is nagging him to put up the tree! I think Paul is very excited for Christmas this year because although Oisìn is not quite three yet he seems to understand Santa and Christmas quite well and it definitely brings magic to the house.

The house aways looks so much more cosy and cheerful when Christmas appears!
We have spent days curled up on the sofa with hot chocolates, candles lit, twinkling lights and watching festive movies. Surprisingly Oisìn LOVES Home Alone he has watched the first two movies countless times, laughs, giggles and when it's over asks for it again! He also really loves The Muppets Christmas Carol and has took to shouting Humbug all over the house when he doesn't want to do something!

I have been enjoying reading alot the past few weeks and am reading lots of festive books!
I dropped my lovey phone on my parent's tiled floor and it completely wrecked the screen. I have sent it off to see if it can be repaired, if not I will be asking Santa for a new one or getting on in the sales after Christmas. So for now it's back to my crappy quality phone with it's bad camera!
Hopefully this post have dragged me out of my blogging slump!
Now Oisìn and I are off to visit a Christmas family day at our local community centre! 

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