Tuesday 6 December 2016

The Nutcracker At The Board Gais

After seeing Swan Lake four years ago at Christmas I was bitten by the ballet bug big time!
The only problem was I had no one to go see it with, as while the hubby enjoyed it once was more than enough for him! After a while of trying to persuade people to come see the ballet with me, my Mam actually surprised me with an early birthday present with tickets to see The Nutcracker for the last Friday in November

When we asked my cousin to come along too, we decided to make a girlie day/night of it!
We went to the fabulous HQ restaurant beside the Bord Gais Theatre for dinner
We enjoyed cocktails before dinner the food was lovely I will definitely be bring hubby here for dinner before Christmas!
This was a brand new production of The Nutcracker, the sets and the live orchestra are what make this production spectacular
The dancers are of course amazing especially then prima ballerina who plays the role of Clara. I was so glad my Mam and cousin enjoyed themselves. It has wetted me appetite to see more live ballet and I already looking up productions for next year.
If you looking for something to see to kick start your festive season you can't do wrong with The Nutcracker!

1 comment:

  1. It looks wonderful. I had no idea you had a blog as well as your Instagram. Looking forward to reading. X


Thanks for the comment Paul & I really appreciate them.

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