Tuesday 20 December 2016

Over The Weekend #60

Once again a disclaimer about the horrible quality of the following pictures
I am getting so frustrated with having to use a bad quality phone and camera
especially after using a fab quality camera and phone!
Looking forward to the sales to get myself a new I have my eye on a rose gold phone!

A very blurred picture but it sums up our Saturday night
We had our family Christmas night as my parents and a number of my family are going away for Christmas. We had a fun night catching up, swapping presents, eating, drinking, dancing and playing games. Oisìn was allowed to stay up a little later and had everyone laughing with the funny things he came out with! I took other pictures especially of when Oisìn put my Dad on the naughty chair after he said a swear word and the leg fell off the chair! Or when my Dad and Uncle played the After Eight challenge! The photos where worse  quality then these one and that's saying something!
This photo is of my Mam, me, Oisìn and Uncle Martin! 

Sunday was a very chill out day we watched Christmas movies for most of the day
We watched The Snowman cosy on the sofa. Later Paul's brother and girlfriend popped up to see Oisìn we ordered takeout and watched a movie
That was our lovely weekend before Christmas!

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