Sunday 4 December 2016

Our Christmas Favourites #1

Here are our family Christmas favourites for this week!

Favourite Christmas Tradition:
The Late Late Toy has been a Irish Christmas Tradition for me since I was a child
I remember being allowed to stay up late to watch it with lots of goodies, falling asleep half way through it! Then my Nanny video recording it so I could watch it all again on Sunday when having Sunday lunch in her house! I remember in my teenage years watching it and saying it was boring while I secretly still loved every minute of it! In my early twenties I was too busy going out on Friday night to watch it! Paul and I started to watch it together when we became a couple one of  most memorable memories I have was a few years ago when I was pregnant on Oisìn and I began to get pains while watching! It signalled the start of slow labour pains I would have until I was intruded on the 26th December to finally have Oisìn!
This year we allowed Oisìn to say up late to watch it, we all had love treats, prosecco for Mammy and Daddy, with lots of special treats for Oisìn. He lasted well until 10.30pm and then told us it was time for his nap!! 
It's a long tradition which we are looking forward to keep going for a long time!

Favourite Christmas Movie:
Oisìn loves Home Alone he likes the first one but his favourite is Home Alone 2
He had watched this one at least eight times this week and each time he watches it laughs at little louder! He calls Harry and Marv "the baddies" and tells Kevin to go get them! He dances along with the Christmas songs and cuddles me at the end when Kevin is finally reunited with his Mam
It also holds a special place in my heart as this was my brother favourite movie growing up I am happy that Oisìn loves it so much

Favourite Decoration:
This beautiful new Christmas Angel I got this week 
One of our local stores where having half price sale on all Christmas items
Needless to say I am already planning another trip!

Favourite Christmas Song:
For me it's not Christmas until I hear Noddy Holder scream It's Christmas!
This song was always played loudly in our house at Christmas when I was growing up
My parents taste varied wildly we would have Perry Como mixed with 70's glam rock
I am sure they had every artist Christmas album on LP! Two songs I always remember being played while we put up our Christmas tree was Perry Como's version on Rudolf The Red Nose Reindeer and Slade's Merry Christmas!

Favourite Christmas TV Special:
The Vicar Of Dibley Christmas Lunch I love this show and the Christmas specials were always so funny. I love how the soft heart vicar agrees to go to all the Christmas dinners she is invited too!
We watched this yesterday after a lovely festive day out perfect end to a lovely day! 

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