Monday 12 December 2016

Over The Weekend #59

This was our little Oisìn on Friday he was drained from an ear infection and vomiting bug
Friday he and I curled up read Christmas books and watched Christmas TV
I didn't think we would get to do all the lovely festive things we had planned for the weekend
As the day went on Oisìn seemed better and myself or Paul hadn't come down with any bugs!
So I bathed Oisìn Friday night and put him to bed extra early as he was still very tired

Oisìn slept straight through to 8am the next morning and we all seemed well enough to go into Dublin town!
We live in Dublin suburbs so it takes us just over an hour to get into Dublin city centre on public transport. We had ideas to go to Arrotts to see the big man but the Que was crazy and there was actually grown adults racing up three flights of stairs to get a ticket to see Santa. Paul and I both agreed that we needed breakfast and a cuppa before any more madness!!
We ended up seeing Santa in Jervis Street Shopping centre we waited for almost two hours but to be honest it didn't feel that long, little chairs where dotted along the line for tired little legs! Elf's sang, gave out balloons and played games with the little ones!
Oisìn was a little in awe with Santa and although in my opion he wasn't as good as the Santa we saw at the free Christmas family day, he was jolly and friendly.
Oisìn asked him not to forget the most important thing on his Christmas list a chocolate doughnut!

We spent hours and hours in town, strolling around different streets. Watching and buying things from the different stalls on Henry Street, taking a slow walk around St Stephen's Green Park, soaking in the festive atmosphere on Gratton Street. We spent almost an hour in the Disney Store and then went for a yummy dinner. Oisìn was so good he took everything in his stride and the amazement on his face when he saw the Christmas lights was lovely! 

Sunday we went to our local shopping center to get a few more Christmas bits
We didn't stay long as it was crazy!
We got home had a lovely Sunday lunch and snuggled on the sofa
While Paul watched football, Oisìn played with toys, I scrolled through Instagram!
It was a lovely festive was yours?

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