Friday 30 December 2016

Oisìn At Three Years Old!

My Darling Boy, 
I am finding it hard to believe you are now three year old! Where has the time gone? It only feels like yesterday when we where in that newborn bubble getting to know
 each other, days spent feeding, changing and cuddling you! 

You have turned into a threenager almost over night! We managed to miss the terrible two's with you but you have hit the threenager head on! You are so moody, laughing one minute then crying the next because you dinner in your own words is just too tasty!!!
You run around the house in the nude because it's time to get dressed and then decide the minute before we leave the house that you suddenly hate the outfit you have on! 
All of sudden you no longer do what we tell you, you have decide to ignore every order we give!
You also play on us, when Mammy says no you ask Daddy!! You also have took up fake crying and it very amusing to see you try squeeze out tears!
You have a fierce temper and because of all the emotions that you are trying to understand you lash out quickly. Yet now you say sorry straight away and sometimes cry if you know you have been wrong.

Your imagination is so fun to watch you love playing pretend, sometimes Daddy and I will watching you play and listen to you, and we smile. You love to play chef with your kitchen and builder with your tool kit. Yet your favourite toys are still you toy cars and of course Woody from Toy Story, Santa Claus brought you Buzz LightYear and he has been added to your favourite toys.
You totally loved Christmas this year, we didn't think you would understand it as much as you did. You totally understood Santa Claus, presents and loved Jolly The Elf On The Shelf who you are still sad has gone back to the North Pole! You loved singing Jingle Bells and Santa Claus is Coming To Town. You made lovely Christmas decorations in day care and asked Santa for watch like Granddad's and a chocolate doughnut! You got some lovely surprise from Santa but your favourite was your minions!
Minions is one of your favourite movies, along with Toy Story, Alvin & The Chipmonks, Monsters Inc and new favourite The Grinch!
Peppa Pig is still always on the TV but we are doing our best to get you to watch other TV shows!

You are back in pull ups full time as you where getting very upset in day care when going the toliet and we thought it best to leave potty training for now. In the new year we will be trying again and hopefully you will be ready.

My beautiful boy, Happy 3rd Birthday you have gave us the best three years of our lives
we love you so much   

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy this wonderful tempest - they grow so fast and though each age brings both its own joys and tears, these little years very quickly become precious memories.


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