Monday 5 December 2016

Over The Weekend #58

This weekend was a cosy family one, we put up our Christmas tree last weekend
but it was this weekend that really started off Christmas for us

On Friday Jolly our Elf on the Shelf joined us for Christmas
He came baring gifts for Oisìn Peppa Pig Christmas Colouring books and a Santa hat!
Paul and Oisìn enjoyed some time in the afternoon colouring!

That night was the Irish Christmas Tradition The Late Late Toy Show
this was the first year attempting to watch it with Oisìn it's on quite late so we weren't sure if he would enjoy it or even stay awake to see it!
We had lovely treats and Oisìn actually really enjoyed it! He lasted to 10.30pm which is VERY late for him!

This weekend Paul was working so I was looking for things to do with Oisìn our local retail park was having a free family Christmas day out in aid for Make A Wish Foundation. Myself, Mam and Oisìn went along it was brilliant, with lots of different activities for children, Santa Letter writing, making reindeer food, facing painting, a children's choir, free hot chocolates and then a visit to see Santa all for free! Oisìn took a long while to come around! He kept saying he missed his Daddy but I think it was a bit over whelming for a two year old! In the end a friendly elf won him round and we went to visit Santa, who was one of the best Santa's we have been to see, he took his time with Oisìn made him feel at easy and gave him big high fives. Oisìn told him not to forget his chocolate doughnut which is on top of his Christmas list! 

Oisìn's face when we told him after seeing Santa we could go to McDonald's for a special treat!
In the end we had a lovely day out, myself and Mam even ended up doing some retail therapy!

Sunday we had a family day with my parents coming up for dinner
I done a nice roast beef with all the trimmings I have converted my parents to Slimming World's Oxo Roasties which they loved!
After dinner in the glow of the Christmas tree lights we sat an watched a Christmas classic Miracle On 34th Street it was cosy and lovely!

When my parents had gone home and Oisìn was in bed
Paul and I made hot chocolates and watched the final of I'm A Cele
We are glad Scarlet won, as we do a sweepstakes in our family and we had Scarlet
but also because we love her in Gogglebox

So that was our fun family weekend

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