Tuesday 5 November 2013

Bump To Baby - 31 Weeks Pregnant

- Little Blip is now the size of a pineapple! Not so little anymore!
- Baby is kicking and moving all the time, getting more like jabs now and very strong!
- Having lots of Braxton Hicks this week!
- I now have an outie belly button!
- Was back at the hospital this morning and my sugar levels are still not leveling out so doctor has upped my dose of tablets :(
- Baby is measuring two weeks ahead of what it should so instead of 31 weeks baby is measuring at 33 weeks!

How Many Weeks Pregnant?: 31 Weeks

Nickname For Baby?: Little Blip

Gender Of Baby?: We don't know!

Any Stretch Marks Yet?: No new ones yet but again my belly was very itchy this week so I'm sure there will be some more soon

Any Maternity Clothes Yet?: I just bought two large jumpers and a cardigan in Penny's this week.

Any Movement Yet?: Lots and lots of movement this week baby is always so active. Sometimes if I get a little stressed I think oh blip hasn't movement in a while I then get a big kick into the ribs! Kicks and flutters have now turned into jabs in the ribs and strong bounces on my bladder!

How Is Sleeping?: Sleeping isn't good and I expect it to be like that until the baby is born. The sleep mist is helping me to get to sleep quicker but I am now waking almost every hour to go to the toilet or because my hips and ribs ache. Nothing I can do about it only take cat naps in the day when I can.

Any Nausea?: None this week!

Food Cravings?: Nothing really this week just enjoying cold glasses of milk!

Food Aversions?: None

Miss Anything From Before Being Pregnant?: I am missing not being on this gestational diabetes diet, the diet can be quite boring. So I am missing chocolate and nice things like that, but I told the hubby when baby is born he can get me the biggest box of chocolates he can find with something pink, alcoholic and fizzy to wash it down with!

Symptoms This Week?: Braxton Hicks was the main symptom this week getting them all week. I seem to get around 3/4 and then they go a way. Feeling short of breath allot this week, itching belly, trapped wind and indigestion.

Worst Moment Of the Week?: No worse moment of the week, just a feeling a little down after all the work I am doing sticking to the most boring gestational diabetes diet that my sugar levels haven't levelled out. We will find out more in three weeks time when I go back to the hospital.

Best Moment Of the Week?: Paul being my rock as usual, he is so good and looks after me so good.

1 comment:

  1. Hiya, Sorry to hear your sugar levels are still high i hope they come down by the time of your next appointment! I guess your reaching the most uncomfortable stages of pregnancy now, but that also means your baby will soon be here so it's all worth it! Take care :)


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