Thursday 7 November 2013

What I Ate Thursday

Another week of my gestational diabetes diet plan here's what I ate today:

 Breakfast - 6am
I was awake early this morning with back pain so had an early breakfast! It was weetabix with hot milk and a cup of tea.

Snack - 9.30am
I had a pear and a mandarin orange for my my early morning snack

Lunch - 12.30pm
I had a granary bread sandwich with ham, cheese and tomato with a tall glass of milk.

Snack - 3pm
I was feeling quite hungry after being up so early this morning so I had my afternoon snack a little earlier than normal. For this snack I had a cup of tea and some no added sugar strawberry jelly.

Dinner - 5.45pm
I had a beef casserole with carrots, onions, mushrooms with mash potato on the side (not in pic) and a glass of milk.

Snack - 9pm
My night time snack was a cup of tea with a small bowl of popcorn it was nice and light before bed.

I am on a higher dose of tablets after a hospital appointment on Tuesday the doctor said that my blood sugar levels are not leveling out so not sure what I am doing wrong as I am staying strictly to the diet they have given me. So that's my what I ate Thursday what's yours?

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