Monday 25 November 2013

Five Things 39/52

Hey everyone, hope your weekend was good, doesn't it always go too fast?! Ours was a busy one but a really nice one! Finally got my way and got my hubby to agree to put up our Christmas decorations!! Here are my five things of the weekend: 

Reading this book by Tess Daly I am really enjoying it. It's not a guide it just her own experiences being, pregnant, childbirth, and babies. 

Another little Christmas treat to Starbucks this time with the in-laws after picking out little blips cot. This time I had toffee nut decaf latte and a lemon seed muffin. Here is a little pic of the cot we picked, thanks Eddie and Bibi (Mammy and Daddy In-Law) we love it xx

Catching up with a close friend who brought beautiful flowers! Love girlie catch ups!

Finally getting the hubby on board to put up our Christmas decorations, people may think we are mad but I don't care I love Christmas and I want to show it! Wonder if Little Blip will see this Christmas or will it be New Year when it makes it's way into the world?!

Settling down after a lovely bath, with a cheeky baileys to watch our first Christmas movie of the season Trading Places......never got to finish the baileys as I feel asleep 30 mins into the movie!

So that's my five things what's yours?

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