Saturday 2 November 2013

Small Pennys/Primark Haul!

We popped into Pennys/Primark the other day, mainly to pick some Christmas and birthday presents for our nieces. I did pick up a few little bits for me too, well you can't go to Pennys and not get something for yourself! So here is a really small Pennys/Primark Haul.

This year Pennys seem to have a really good selection of warm jumpers. I saw this fox jumper and I couldn't not buy it. Its lovely and soft and reminded me of the song What Does The Fox Say! It was €16

I picked up this pink scarf with bows on it. I love it and plan to team it up with another thing I bought. It was €4

Paul picked up some navy tracksuit bottoms for €6

I really liked this grey zip up cardigan with leather effect pockets this was €16

I always like to pick up little Christmas bits in Pennys so I really like this red berry love heart wreath for €3

Lastly I got this Merry Christmas door mat for €3

I have to admit I am loving Pennys/Primark's products this year. They have a great collection of jumpers, cardigans, dresses, coats, scarfs and homewear items. If I wasn't almost eight months pregnant I would be buying allot more things from here this season! 

1 comment:

  1. Primark are really good right now. I bought a scarf yesterday too, plain white with ruffles, a white 'cashmere' *ahem* jumper, more jim jam bottoms, some cosy stuff for The Girl, and a couple of sparkly jewellery bits. Less than £30 the lot. Bargain!

    Loving your stash. I dithered over the festive jumpers but resisted and got the plain white instead.

    Have a lovely afternoon xx


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