Tuesday 19 November 2013

Bump To Baby - 33 Weeks Pregnant

- Baby is the size of a honey dew melon
- Blip's movements are still strong and it can give a hell of a kick!
- Had a scare this week when my sugar levels went crazy one night but everything turned out okay

How Many Weeks Pregnant?: 33 Weeks

Nickname For Baby?: Little Blip

Gender Of Baby?: We don't know!

Any Stretch Marks Yet?: Got a few more around my belly button still using all my creams. My skin was very itchy this week

Any Maternity Clothes Yet?: Nothing new this week and as the weeks go on even my maternity clothes are getting a bit tight!

Any Movement Yet?: Still lots a movement but more of a pattern now. Movements are a little slower and stronger

How Is Sleeping?: Sleeping is the same as past weeks, getting a bit more sleep and sleeping till later in the morning, but waking up almost ever hour for a wee or aches in my hips and back

Any Nausea?: None this week

Food Cravings?: Celery and hummus loving this all week! 

Food Aversions?: None this week

Miss Anything From Before Being Pregnant?: Definitely chocolate this week because I can't have it due to my gestational diabetes I am craving it more and more. All the yummy Christmas chocolates are in the shops this week and it's making my mouth water! I am also missing a ice cold glass of white wine or rose wine to go with the chocolates!

Symptoms This Week?: Shortness of breath was really bad this week had to sit down a few times when out to make it go away. Getting Braxton Hicks alot this week. Itchy skin and belly this week. Indigestion and heartburn both bad this week. Acne is bad really bad this week and its quite sore too! Lower and upper back pain got really sore this week.

Worst Moment Of the Week?: Last Thursday when my sugar levels went crazy. Paul was working late so I was home alone and not sure what to do. I panicked a little and rang the coombe hospital and was told that I could be dehydrated to drink a pint of cold water and walk around and it an hour that my bloods again. Thankfully that worked and  my sugar levels went down dramatically so now I am making sure that I get enough water and fluids every day. 

Best Moment Of the Week?: Having a little family day with my Uncle and Goddaughter. We had a lovely dinner and catch up with them

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