Tuesday 26 November 2013

Bump To Baby - 34 Weeks Pregnant

- Little Blip is the size of a honey dew melon
- Baby has settled into it's birth position this week, which is a little scary!
- Had a hospital appt this morning and Doctor is happy with my sugar levels as they have levelled out!
- Also got told I will be getting induced at 38 weeks which is Christmas week! 
- No exact date of getting induced should find out more in two weeks time at my next appt! 

How Many Weeks Pregnant?: 34 Weeks

Nickname For Baby?: Little Blip

Gender Of Baby?: We don't know!

Any Stretch Marks Yet?: No new ones this week!

Any Maternity Clothes Yet?: Again nothing new this week!

Any Movement Yet?: Lots of movement again this week which is a great sign. At my hospital appt today we had a little scan to measure baby and baby was moving around lots. Doctor said it a good sign of a healthy and happy baby  

How Is Sleeping?: Sleeping is not great like other weeks waiting up alot to go to the toilet and with aches and pains

Any Nausea?: None this week

Food Cravings?: Celery and hummus again this week! 

Food Aversions?: None

Miss Anything From Before Being Pregnant?: Chocolate and wine!!

Symptoms This Week?: Lower back pain, pressure on my pelvis area! Trapped wind, heartburn and a little indigestion. Oh and I have been a little moody this week! I'm sure my husband would agree!! The main three symptoms this week where shortness of breath (as baby hasn't dropped yet) braxton hicks was very bad this week and fatigue I just feel tired all the time!!

Worst Moment Of the Week?: No worse moment of the week. There has been a few very uncomfortable moments but nothing too bad!

Best Moment Of the Week?: Being told today in the hospital that my sugar levels have dropped and have levelled off the way they should. Also being told that I will be getting induced at 38 weeks give or take a few days at least now we will have some sort of idea of when to expect little blip! Before or after Christmas Day place your bets now!!

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