Friday 1 November 2013

Things Nobody Told Me About Pregnancy!

Now that I am a little into my third trimester and almost 31 weeks pregnant I can safely say I was so naive when I got pregnant! I had the version of pregnancy in my head, that was me singing to bump, while knitting booties, in a yoga position, eating watermelon and of course there would be rainbows and unicorns, and I would float around like in a dream!! Of course pregnancy isn't like that (it might be for some people) but it wasn't at all like that for me.
First trimester consisted of me vomiting all the time, awkwardly getting off a packed bus to throw up at a bus stop! Feeling so tired that I could barely stay awake at my desk in work!
Then along come the second trimester and I got my mojo back! Couldn't keep my hands of the hubby! Had lots of energy nesting came into full swing, but felt it was too early to get certain things. Towards the end of my second trimester I crashed and was put on bed rest, and was diagnosed with gestational diabetes which comes with the most boring diet plan ever!
Now I am in the third trimester and I feel like a steam roller has run over me I am so tired all of a sudden! Nesting is in fully swing if only I had the energy to do anything about it! Third trimester comes with a whole load of symptoms that no one told me about! Don't get me wrong I really like being pregnant, the kicks and movements of our baby are wonderful to feel. To think that my body is making a little baby just blows my mind. I look in the mirror and see how much my body has changed and it's amazing what our bodies can do. To think at the moment I have two heart beats is just crazy. Everyday I am in awe of what women can do and how strong we are. I just wish one of those women could of mentioned these few things to me!

1. Weeing - I wee all the time now! If I go out I take two trips to the toilet before we leave and when we get there my first mission is to find out where the toilets are! 

2. Trapped Wind Cramps Hurt So Bad - I have had trapped wind before, I mean we all have in some time or another, but I have never ever had the enemy that is pregnancy trapped wind! It is the worst thing ever especially when you get it for three days straight! At one time I was thinking I would stick a pin in my belly and let the air out like a beach ball!

3. Snoring - The only time I normally snore is if I had a few too many glasses of wine, now I sound like a bear with a sore head! I have woke myself, the hubby, and probably the neighbours with my snoring! 

4. Drool - This is one of the gross symptoms I have woke up a number of times in a swimming pool of my own drool! It even grosses me out!

5.Weird Dreams - So if it's not the snoring or drooling waking you up, its the crazy weird dreams! I have had some really intense ones! One about a crazy serial killer who like to skin his victims alive was very scary, I was too terrified to go back asleep after that one! Weird Jeremy Kyle style fights with family member's dreams and then the steamy dreams with the news presenter off the telly!

6. Boobs - That they literally start growing from the moment you wee on the pregnancy test! I honestly thought this didn't happen until towards the end of your pregnancy!

7. Rib Pain - Is always there, doesn't matter if you trying to sleep, watch TV, have a bath the dull ache of rib pain is always there!

8. Weeing Yourself - No matter how many kegal/pelvic floor exercises I do there is still the chance if I cough or sneeze I will wet myself, thanks to baby using my bladder as a trampoline!

9. Walking -That a walk that took me twenty minutes before being pregnant will now take me over a hour! Also I don't walk anymore I waddle!

10. Crying or Laughing - I will literally cry at everything that includes TV ads and soaps! If not that I laugh hysterically for ten minutes at something that is not remotely funny! 

11. Feeling Tired - Waking up with bundles of energy and a full list of things to do, then falling asleep while sitting on the bed getting dressed!

12. Not Scared Anymore - No matter how scared I am of labour I am started to feel like "Whatever bring it on"!

There is some things I will miss about being pregnant. Like how men now become gentlemen when they see a pregnant woman, opening doors, giving you there seat, wish they where like that all the time. I will miss feeling blips movement, but I will then please god have little blip in my arms.

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