Tuesday 3 September 2013

Bump To Baby - 22 Weeks Pregnant

- Baby is now the size of a papaya
- Blip's internal organs continue to develop this week and practice their functions
- Baby is still gaining body weight this week
- This baby is a night owl lots of kicking, fluttering and turning at night!

How Many Weeks Pregnant?: 22 Weeks

Nickname For Baby?: Little Blip

Gender Of Baby?: We don't know!!

Any Stretch Marks Yet?: Still none yet but belly is very itchy so using lots of Bio Oil!

Any Maternity Clothes Yet?: Nothing else new this week! The stuff I got over the past couple of weeks should keep me going for a while!

Any Movement Yet?: Lots of movement this week especially the past couple of days lots of kicking..this baby is a night owl!! Just as I fall asleep little blip goes crazy kicking, punching and fluttering! I can't complain I love every little kick, and flutter.

How Is Sleeping?: Sleeping is good at the moment, starting to wake up more time for the toilet again this week!

Any Nausea?: Just a little when I am hungry!

Food Cravings?: Avocados and guacamole can't get enough of these two at the moment!

Food Aversions?: Still fish but not as bad as before! Also garlic and I normally LOVE garlic just the smell of it at the moment is making me feel sick!

Miss Anything From Before Being Pregnant?: Chicken liver pate, brie cheese, and wine!

Symptoms This Week?: Lower back pain, sore boobs, trapped wind and ingestion. 

Worst Moment Of the Week?: I got a bit of a fright on Thursday when I woke up during the night sweating buckets! I had to change my pyjamas as they where soaked. When I woke that morning I was freezing with a horrible headache and had a bit of a upset tummy. I wasn't taking any chances so I took the day off work sick and went back to bed. I have been getting over a cold since last week so maybe it took its toll on my body. I'm not sure what it was but I did feel a lot better the next day after lots of sleep.

Best Moment Of the Week?: Celebrating our 2nd wedding anniversary please God on our third we will have little blip with us to celebrate. 

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