Monday 30 September 2013

Five Things 31/52

Happy Monday everyone! Hope you all had a nice weekend, the weather here was lovely and mild again this weekend! We spent the weekend relaxing and enjoying family time. Big shout out to my wonderful Mammy it's her birthday today so a huge Happy Birthday to her.
Here are my five things from this weekend:

Early weekend treat! I bought these My Little Pony pyjamas on Friday. By Friday night I was snuggling in them with a cup of hot chocolate!

On Saturday we had my parents up for a family dinner to celebrate my Mam's birthday. As Paul and my Dad are on shift work Saturday was the only day that suited them both. Paul made this amazing dinner, leg of lamb with all the trimmings. We all scoffed it and couldn't move after it!

When we could finally move a few hours after dinner we wished my Mam a Happy Birthday with this cookie cake!

Lazy Sunday mornings of blueberry muffins, orange juice, tea and the Sunday papers...bliss!

I have been missing my glass of red while watching Downton Abbey on Sundays. So I was really happy when I found this non alcoholic red wine. It is a little bitter and tart but I can pretend to have a glass of red while watching my favourite show!

I'm off now to visit my Mam and give her birthday presents. Enjoy the rest of your day. What's your five things from the weekend?

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