Friday 20 September 2013


Here is what I have been currently loving and hating!


* Dogs being kept in apartments - no matter how small or big the dog or apartment is I fully believe that apartments are not for dogs. Dogs need space, walks, gardens and I am getting really annoyed with the amount of dogs that are kept in this apartment complex. I have seen, small pugs, chiwawa's, large huskys and Labradors all being kept in apartments here. There is one small dogs above us that barks early in the morning when its owners leave the apartment and it starts all the dogs in the building off! I don't care what any one says but I think its cruel to keep a dog locked in an apartment all day on its own.

* Rude people when out shopping - I have said this before but I still don't understand how people can, push past you, knocking into you and not apologise especially when the person they are being rude to is six months pregnant!

* Older people who have no respect for younger people - Yet they want respect and expect respect of the younger generation. Don't get me wrong not all older people are like this but I have notice that a lot are. For example I was going to work the other morning and had to get the bus an older lady pushed past me so she could get the last seat on the bus! I was never going to take it anyway and a man around my age got up and gave me his seat but I just thought that was horrible that an older woman pushed past a six month pregnant woman to get a seat on a bus and yet she would probably expect someone to get up and give her a seat if the bus was full.

* Being on bed rest - I know I need this at the moment as I am constantly tired and feeling drained. My body is going through a hard time at the moment. I am lacking iron again and have aches and pains everywhere. It's my body telling me to slow down a little and it needs a bit of a break. Which I understand but I find it hard just to stay in bed or just to rest around the house. I like being busy and being on the go, I like doing things for myself, I like getting the house work done and getting to work to keep my brain busy all of which I can't do at the moment.  So I found it hard this week to back off and let Paul do more stuff around the house and I had to take a few days off work. I get a little down or frustrated and then I feel a little kick from baby and I know it will be worth it in the end.


* Going to see my favourite band ever Fleetwood Mac - Tomorrow night we are going to see my favourite bad ever! I have seen Fleetwood Mac live twice before last time was back in 2009 so it has been a while. They always put on a good show, in the past when I have been to see them live I have always got standing tickets so I can get up close to the stage and dance! This time when we where buying the tickets way back in February the standing tickets sold out in seconds at the time I was upset but in hindsight it was meant to happen as I don't think I could of stood for two and half hours with people dancing beside me while I was six months pregnant! Can't wait for me and blip to channel our inner Stevie Nicks!

* The TV show Behind The Dome - Loving this TV show which the hubby got me hooked on! We are onto episode ten its based on a Stephen King book. Every episode has a little twist and ends on a cliff hanger can't stop watching it!

* Yankee Candles - I am loving lighting these candles and getting all cosy especially after the horrible weather we have been having in Ireland this week!

* My Hubby - he has been so good this week as I have been put on bed rest. Apart from tomorrow night when I go see Fleetwood Mac. I am not sure how long I will be on it could be another week could be two but Paul has been great at helping around the house, cooking dinners and drying my tears when things got a little over whelming for me. Couldn't ask for anything more he is amazing.

What are you loving and hating this week?


  1. Aww i understand what u mean some old people are very mean and do expect you to bow down to them haha, however there are lots of sweet ones too.
    I hope you enjoy ur concert!
    Yankee candles are the best, although they smell so good i could eat them lol.
    I hate double standards, people who wont admit their mistakes and apologise, early mornings.
    I love relaxing with a hot choc on the sofa lately, dark nights means more cosy evenings coming up and spending time with Tibby and Lucky xxx

  2. I could eat yankee candles too but I guess its best not too! I love the dark nights and the colder weather too and getting more cosy. Thanks for the lovely comments x


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