Friday 27 September 2013

Mini Pennys/Primark Haul!

Here in Ireland Primark is called Pennys! Crazy I know but that's how it is! On the paper bags it says Pennys operated by Primark. Anyhow lets get down to business! This morning I was feeling a little stir crazy after being on bed rest and it was a lovely fresh sunny morning so I asked Paul could we get out of the apartment for a while. We decided to have a trip to Pennys!! We spent around a hour and half wandering around Pennys it was great as it was early and it wasn't crazy busy so we could actually see what was in the store! 
So here is what I bought:

 I saw these cushions and loved them so I bought two for our sofa. They are €6 each.

 Here is what they look like on our sofa. I hate this sofa but since we are renting and hoping to move out in February I needed a cheap face lift for it and I think I got it with these cushions!

 I bought myself new boots! This is always my Autumn/Winter thing I buy lots of new boots, hats and gloves! I liked these as there flat and really comfortable these were €24

 We needed new pillowcases so I picked up these cheap and cheerful pack for €4

We also needed new sheets so I picked up this double fitted sheet for €9

 I really like these sports bras I have bought lots of maternity bras from different places and I always feel half way through the day they hurt and dig into my back and rip cage. These bras are fab I bought one a few weeks ago and I love it so I had to go back and get some more! They come with pads which you can take out if you like and for €5 there a bargain! 

 Paul bought this nice black shirt and tie for €11

 Yes I am 28 and yes I will be a Mammy soon but I still LOVE My Little Pony so when I saw these pyjamas I didn't just want them I NEEDED them! I bought a really large size so that they will fit over the bump these where €12

 I saw these in the men's section, yes its a little early for Christmas jumpers but I remember last year Paul wanted a Christmas jumper so bad but left it too late and couldn't get one anywhere! I wasn't taking a chance this time and picked this up for him it was €15

 Paul also bought me a Christmas jumper in a large size hope it fits when I am nine months pregnant! This was also €15

 I couldn't go to Pennys and not pick up some cute baby clothes! These cute sleepsuits where €9 for a pack of 3

I also picked up this 7 pack of short sleeved vests these where €9

Paul also bought socks, gloves, scarfs, and a lovely winter coat but he had them put away before I could take a picture of them. So that's our mini Pennys/Primark haul! Don't know if its just me but I always go into Pennys for a couple of things and come out with bags of stuff!

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