Saturday 28 September 2013

What We Got Up To This Month - September 2013

September went by in a crazy haze! We had a busy month of birthdays, wedding anniversary's and weddings and ate lots of yummy food! I then crashed half way through the month and was put on bed rest. Thankfully I got over it and was able to see my favourite band Fleetwood Mac we then has more birthdays and days out! Here is what we got up to this month:

-Some of the lovely Yankee Candles I got this month!
- Treat time Friday!
- Lighting our Wedding Day Yankee Candle
- Two glasses of non alcoholic wine
- Delicious 2nd Anniversary dinner
- Getting ready for dinner!
- Paul enjoying our anniversary dinner
- Non alcoholic champagne and presents
- Paul loving his Dublin jersey
- Reading our Wedding guest book and getting some laughs and tears!
- Flowers
- Presents new shoes and dress
- My wonderful brother's birthday
- Watching our Wedding DVD while drinking non alcoholic bubbly!
- Yummy dinner hubby made
- Drinkies!
- Lighting candles and getting cosy as the weather changes
- Tea time
- Really pretty coloured roses
- Nesting! Changing our apartment around to make space for baby!
- Call me old fashioned but I love my cd collection!
- Wet rainy September days
- Lovely baths
- Listening to my favourite Ms Stevie Nicks
- Drive down to the wedding
- Yummy Sunday lunch!
- Even yummier dessert!
- Eating cake lots of cake!!
- Myself and Paul at the wedding
- Fun times at the wedding
- I love Yankee candles!
- When I was put on bed rest and was feeling rotten blip kicked I looked out the window and saw this rainbow!
- I think I over did it on the bubble bath!!
- Blip getting bigger!
- We ate alot of yummy food this month!
- Blip and I channeling our inner Stevie Nick, before the Fleetwood Mac gig!
- At Fleetwood Mac

So thats what we got up to this month how about you?

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