Monday 2 September 2013

Five Things 27/52

Hey everyone hope your weekend went well and your Monday is not too bad for you! Today is our 2nd wedding anniversary! We had a lovely but busy weekend filled with birthdays, weddings and wedding anniversary's!

Friday night I put my new pyjamas on, lit a Yankee candle, made a cup of hot chocolate and read a good book. I love these new pyjamas and the top says how I feel!

Settling down Friday night and reading a good book.

Being prepared for the craziness of the past weekend and the next few weeks! We have two weddings, birthdays, and two wedding anniversary's!! I like to be prepared as you can tell from this picture!

Getting ready for our friends 30th birthday party.Wearing my new ASOS dress which I got took up!! I really like it better now I teamed it up with tights and boots!

Going out for an anniversary meal on Sunday with the hubby. We went to the Anvil the food there is amazing we really enjoyed our dinner well I might of had a little of Paul's too!!

What's your five things? Enjoy the rest of the week,

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