Monday 9 September 2013

Five Things 28/52

Happy Monday hope you all had a lovely weekend. Ours was pretty quiet we had a weekend of rearranging things and making room for little blip! I know it's early yet but I think nesting took over this week and I really wanted to get stuff sorted while we had a quiet weekend. We had a busy and exciting day today we had our big scan it was amazing! Here is five things from this weekend:

These really pretty coloured roses I think there are really beautiful .

Rearranging our whole living area in our apartment to make space for baby! I loved the other way we had our furniture arranged but we need space for blip's things. So we decided it was time to move things around I like it and there looks like a lot more space lets see how long before it gets filled up with baby things!

Chilling out lighting a candle and listening to Stevie Nick album Bella Donna. I love Stevie Nicks solo music but I always come back to this album I really love it plus the cover is kinda cool!

After a yummy Sunday lunch Paul made this lovely pudding of hot chocolate pud and ice cream.

Having a lovely bubble bath with candles and a good book! Relaxing before our scan today!

What are your five things from this weekend?


  1. Hiya!
    Looks like a lovely weekend was had by you and your husband :).
    That cake and ice cream looks delicious!
    I hope your taking it easy :)

  2. Thanks hon you had a good weekend too :) The dessert was amazing could eat it again now!! Take care x


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