Friday 13 September 2013

Currently I Am:

Currently I Am:

Listening To:

Stevie Nicks album The Wild Heart getting in a little Stevie Nicks/Fleetwood Mac mood for next weekend when we go see them live! I really love this album from the title song until the end of the last track! Blip seems to like Stevie too as I get a lot of movement when I play her songs!

Nothing special a large bottle of water!


This outfit totally loveeee this jumper!

It to be the weekend! We have a wedding tomorrow which I am really looking forward to, but when work is finally over I have to get my nails, tan and eyebrows done! Busy evening!

It to be 4pm so I can get out of work!


 Reading and lighting candles as the seasons change!

So what are you currently doing? 

1 comment:

  1. Fab post!
    I am currently... listening to savage garden i knew i loved you, drinking...nothing at the moment however nathan has just walked in with a nice bottle of Disaronno ;), wearing a vest top cardigan and pj bottoms with fluffy slippers, wanting my pot noodle and drink but i cant be bothered to move aha, i'm needing it to be pay day as i am skinted this month, bills that suddenly appear from nowhere all came at once so my budget went out the window :( and i am enjoying sitting with my feet up reading blogs and listening to music right now lol.
    Take care


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