Monday 2 September 2013

Our 2nd Wedding Anniversary

Today is our 2nd Wedding Anniversary! How those two years have gone by so quickly! Our first year was tough there is no denying that, with pay cuts, no car and barely getting by but I knew better times where on the way for us. I got a job, we got a car and now we have a little baby on the way. Who is kicking as I write this! I know once we have each other we will get through anything.
We have been through so much in our nine years together, life threw everything at us, we wobbled a little but we got through it together. I know we are solid,  I am my beloved's and he is mine.

Two years ago today I married my best friend and the man I love with all my heart. He is amazing such a great hubby I know I am lucky to have him and I know he will be a wonderful Father.

We celebrated our wedding anniversary by lighting our wedding day yankee candle, drinking non alcoholic champagne, watching our wedding DVD, eating yummy breakfasts and lunches, and finally by going for a lovely meal. We bought each other some lovely presents, the theme this year is meant to be cotton but we just changed it to clothes in general! Paul bought me an outfit and shoes for a wedding we are going to in a few weeks. I got him the new Dublin jersey which he has been pinning for!

Getting ready for our meal out, yummy food, Paul scoffing Anvil famous chicken wings, lighting our yankee candle!

Anniversary breakfast, presents, flowers, reading our wedding guest book while drinking non alcoholic champers! 

1 comment:

  1. Sounds lovely! Great pictures too.
    Hope you and bump are doing well.


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