Tuesday 1 October 2013

Bump To Baby - 26 Weeks Pregnant

- Baby is now the size of an aubergine
- Little Blip's ears are now developed and it can now hear my voice, Paul's voice and everyday sounds!
- Blip's movement and kicks are stronger everyday!
- Think my bump has popped out again this week!
- Feeling a good bit better this week, bed rest is nearly over and I go back to work this week!

How Many Weeks Pregnant?: 26 Weeks

Nickname For Baby?: Little Blip

Gender Of Baby?: We don't know but Hubby is still convinced its a boy! I don't mind once it's healthy getting excited to met our little blip now!

Any Stretch Marks Yet?: YES! I saw three tiger strips on the bottom of my belly! :( 

Any Maternity Clothes Yet?: Some new bras, but still need to get myself a maternity winter coat but there quite expensive for something I will only be wearing for a few months. 

Any Movement Yet?: Lots and lots of movement!! This little one is so active, I have noticed blip get really active after I eat, sometimes very strong kicks and punches! 

How Is Sleeping?: Have to be honest sleeping is awful at the moment! I have really bad upper back pain at the moment so by the time I get to bed I find it hard to get comfortable as lying on my left side it painful because of my back at the moment. I am only getting around 4/5 hours sleep and then during the day I go for another 1/2 hours nap (if I can not possible some days with work etc) I find I can sleep better during the day when my back isn't as sore.

Any Nausea?: None

Food Cravings?: Tomatoes and milk still but also mad as this may seem because of past food aversions but I am craving fish!! 

Food Aversions?: None this week!

Miss Anything From Before Being Pregnant?: Apart from a normal night's sleep! I am missing a glass of wine while watching Downton Abbey!

Symptoms This Week?: Upper back pain (so bad this week), lack of sleep due to back pain, acne, heartburn and ingestion.

Worst Moment Of the Week?: Last Saturday night after having a lovely day with the family I was shattered that night but because of my back pain I got little or no sleep. I woke up at 4am and couldn't go back to sleep! 

Best Moment Of the Week?: Two best moments. First one is in general feeling a little better and having more energy to get up and do things. I am still not 100% but I am feeling good enough to go for walks, and go shopping. I may need a nap after but I am glad I am back on my feet and getting out more.
Second one is having my parents over for roast dinner on Saturday it was lovely. My Mam and I sat and went through what we have bought for blip...so cute! 

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