Tuesday 22 October 2013

Bump To Baby - 29 Weeks Pregnant

- Baby is now the size of a butternut squash which we bought and made soup from it was lovely!
- Baby is now practicing breathing!
- My blood pressure got a little high this week so had to have a check up with my doctor but everything is okay just need to go to regularly check ups with my GP and hospital
- But I was put back on bed rest to be safe!

How Many Weeks Pregnant?: 29 Weeks

Nickname For Baby?: Little Blip

Gender Of Baby?: We have no idea but over the weekend Paul and I both dreamt on the same night we where having a little girl not sure if that means anything!

Any Stretch Marks Yet?: No new ones thanks to Bio Oil!

Any Maternity Clothes Yet?: I did get a few new things from New Look, heavy jumpers, leggings etc will do a maternity winter haul soon.

Any Movement Yet?: Lots and lots of movement this baby is non stop and I love it! Sharp elbow or knee in the ribs does take my breath away still! I have noticed that the movement is getting harder and you can see baby move all the time! 

How Is Sleeping?: Sleeping is still the same as the past couple of weeks still finding it hard to get comfortable due to the pain in my upper back (ribs) and waking up at 5/6am is now a regularly thing. I find it easier to try take cat naps during the day when I can.

Any Nausea?: Just a little this week due to my body getting use to my gestational tablets called Metaformin but thankfully my body seems to have got used to it quickly and nausea hasn't been to bad.

Food Cravings?: Oranges and apples!!

Food Aversions?: None this week!

Miss Anything From Before Being Pregnant?: Eating what I liked at any time!

Symptoms This Week?: New symptom this week is Braxton hicks!! These kind of frightened me as one day in my parents I thought I was in labour but it was Braxton hicks (false contractions) another new symptom this week was getting out of breath easily. Feeling allot of pressure in my lower pelvis which means baby has moved down which is good but also makes me feel like I need to wee so bad I will burst!! Had fatigue this week especially on the weekend when all I wanted to do was sleep! Aches and pains getting bad pains in my hips at night this might be the start of sciatica. Heartburn and indigestion also bad this week.

Worst Moment Of the Week?: Getting told to go back on bed rest :( 

Best Moment Of the Week?: Our chest of drawers arriving, this is also going to double up as a changing area for blip due to our lack of space in our apartment. My nesting went into over drive I washed all of the clothes we have for blip and put them into the chest of drawers! Thank you Mam we love it and you x

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