Tuesday 29 October 2013

Bump To Baby - 30 Weeks Pregnant

- Baby is the size of a cabbage!
- Blip's bones are starting to harden and it's eyes are opening
- I am needing to wee all the time now!
- Feeling alot of pressure on my pelvis so I think baby has moved down this week
- A few friends had there babies this week, so can't wait to met our little blip! 

How Many Weeks Pregnant?: 30 Weeks

Nickname For Baby?: Little Blip

Gender Of Baby?: We don't know!

Any Stretch Marks Yet?: Have a couple more not that worried but my whole belly has been so itchy this week and my skin feels really hot so a little uncomfortable. I have been having baths with different types of bath soaks to try take the itch away also went to boots and got some Cussons Mum and Me products this week so I am using these three products at the moment:
Garnier body intensive 7 days hydrating lotion which I have been using for a few months. Its not really a pregnancy product but I find it good for taking the itch of stretching skin away.
Derma V10 stretch mark cream which was only cheap but I have no bio oil left so I thought I would give it a go. I wasn't expecting much from it but it smells lovely and leaves my skin really soft, whether or not it's doing anything for my stretch marks or not I don't know!
Cussons Mum & Me stretch mark cream I am loving this it smells amazing and takes the itch totally away. I have noticed after I used this the few stretch marks I have don't seem as red and my skin feels so soft.

Any Maternity Clothes Yet?: Nothing new this week.

Any Movement Yet?: Lots and lots of movement, not so much in the morning but from lunch time onward this little one is constantly moving! Movements are getting so strong now, I have even been woke up in the night by a kick! It's going to be so weird when little blip is here and I no long have these movements!

How Is Sleeping?: Sleeping is the same as the past couple of weeks finding it hard to get comfortable and taking cat naps in the day time, but I did buy some Cussons Sleep Mist and have been using it the past couple of nights and it has worked! I have been sleeping around three hours straight with it and really feel well rested after using it!

Any Nausea?: None this week!

Food Cravings?: Mexican spicy food with lots of fresh vegetables, like beef tacos with fresh guacamole, chicken fajitas with avocado, pork enchiladas with lots of fresh lettuce and tomatoes! 

Food Aversions?: None

Miss Anything From Before Being Pregnant?: To be honest nothing really this week.

Symptoms This Week?: Really really bad trapped wind cramps for two days! Nothing like the horrible pain of trapped wind, Thursday and Friday where awful, tried everything and nothing was helping. Probably to much information but I have never been so glad to fart and burp on Saturday when the big ball of wind I had started to break up! Had a very itchy belly all week had to go out and buy new products to help with it. Shortness of breath is getting worse and going to the wee all the time now! Snoring is still there and I am waking myself up with it! Also weird dreams are back and some of them are just crazy!!

Worst Moment Of the Week?: Thursday and Friday when I had a huge ball of trapped wind. I tried everything, drinking pints of water, eating popcorn, rubbing my back and belly, walking, sitting on my birthing ball, more walking, drinking soda water, baths, more walking and nothing worked. I just had to let it break up itself and thankfully on Saturday it did!

Best Moment Of the Week?: My Dad getting us our travel system set. It will all be delivered in two weeks! Thanks Dad x

1 comment:

  1. aw. exciting times! And you don't know what you're having?! Blimey. I couldn't wait to find out. Then I kept it fairly quiet. Mind you, when asked by strangers what I was having and I'd gleefully say 'a girl', they'd smile, say how lovely, and then say stupid stuff like 'oh, but I don't think it's right that you should know ahead of time'. Um. so why ask me then? Doh! It's every parents right to find out or not, their choice. They shouldn't be 'told off' either way!

    Sleep when you can. Get as excited as you want. Look forward to it, and enjoy all the time left of your pregnancy (even the wind!). It really is an amazing time.


Thanks for the comment Paul & I really appreciate them.

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Thanks The Furey Follies


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