Friday 4 October 2013

Yankee Candle Haul!

As you know from past posts I just love Yankee Candles! The store was having a little sale recently so I couldn't help but get some! I got some of the old stock that was half price but also some of the new Autumn stock. 

The first three candles I picked up was from the spring/summer range that was half price. I love the large jars but some times they do be a little out of my price range when at full price!
The first fragrance is called Clean Cotton and it smells just like that! It reminds me of clear days in my parents when my Mam has rows of washing on the line to dry. That smell when you take if of the washing line to fold away a nice crisp fresh scent. I like to light it when Paul has been cooking anything spicy or garlic it soon has the place smelling fresh again!
The next fragrance is called Pink Sands and it's fast becoming a firm favourite. It's the sweetest scent of the three it's a reminds me of a very mild candy floss kind of smell! Its quite a subtle scent but it reminds me of late summer evenings at a fun fair and the smell of candy floss in the air. I like lighting this at night time while having a cup of tea and watching TV!
The last fragrance from this collection is called Loves Me Loves Me Not I have bought this one, time and time again! I really like this one it smells like a spring/summer daisy, it reminds me of early spring as that's when I first bought it. I like lighting this in my bedroom it fills the room of a fresh floral scent while I read a good book!

Paul bought me this fragrance Wedding Day for our second anniversary we lit it over our 2nd wedding anniversary weekend. I was so looking forward to lighting it but I have to be honest I didn't like this scent at all. It is meant to smell like floral and power, be a subtle and not an over powerful smell. For me it was the total opposite it felt so over powering that the whole room smelt of it after a few minutes, the scent was so strong it gave me a headache, for me it has more of a musky scent than floral smell. Will not be buying this again.

The next two fragrances are Black Cherry and Blissful Autumn.
The first one Black Cherry I have bought a few times before I like this scent some find it a little strong but if you like foodie fragrances you should like this candle. I tend to light in the kitchen area of our apartment as it does cover up those nasty bin smells!! It smells as it says ripe, sweet cherries, its not a candle I would light to relax to but it is a nice scent for foodie lovers!
The next one is Blissful Autumn I have never bought before, but I really love it! This is quite a subtle scent I liked it because it smells a little like Autumn fruits mixed with Autumn leaves and a subtle scent of vanilla in there too. It reminded me of a walk in a park with the smell of Autumn leaves. If you like a subtle scent that's not over powering you will like this one. This one has become another of my favourites!

Finally I bought these two fragrances Lilac Blossoms and Honey & Spice.
I have bought Lilac Blossoms before and Paul has even bought as a Valentines Day present for me. I am not a fan of lavender scents at all I find them too over powering and I get a headache from them, but this has only a hint of lavender and much more of a fresh lilac scent. Its a lovely fresh floral lilac scent, it also throws a good smell. I light this in my bedroom with the door open and you can smell it from the hall and bathroom. A nice Spring/Autumn scent.
The next and last fragrance is Honey & Spice this is quite a subtle scent I really like it! Its a mix of honey, spice and a kind of woody scent. Another scent that I think sums up Autumn for me! It does take a while for the scent to throw out, and it is one of those scents that you get used too, walk out of the room and back in and it hits you again lovely scent.

So I can safely say I am stocked up for Autumn with Yankee Candles....well until December and I stock up on all those lovely Christmas scents!!

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