Monday 21 October 2013

Five Things 34/52

Hello everyone and happy Monday! Hope you weekend was good. To be honest I just wanted to sleep through mine! Think it was all the early mornings and hospital appointments caught up with me! So I spent my weekend sleeping, nesting, and online shopping! I so over spent and am going to be broke this week, but I did make a start on Christmas shopping, well for every one Christmas present I bought I bought two things for me!! Anyway here is my five things from this weekend:

This my guilty pleasure The Kardashins! Its such rubbish TV but I love watching how they do things in la-la land! Everything is so over the top and I can't stop watching it! What's your TV guilty pleasure?

This lovely bag of goodies my Mam and Dad picked up for me and blip! Baby hat, disposable changing mats, nappy bags and this lovely nightdress with dressing gown set that is going straight in my hospital bag!

Cuddling up with the hubby on Saturday night and watching one of my favourite duvet day movies Baby Boom.

Getting our chest of drawers delivered this is going to double up as a changing unit/area for blip as we have lack of space. My Mam bought this for us and I love it, the great thing is that when we move there is a whole set of furniture to match this that we can get for little blips room.

Spent most of the weekend online shopping, picking out presents and clothes. Went a little crazy on the yankee candle website for every Christmas present I bought I got two things for me!!

So that's mine five things what's yours?

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