Thursday 24 October 2013

What I Ate Thursday

So this is my second week on my gestational diabetes diet and I am slowly getting used to snacking between meals, taking my blood sugar levels and what foods I can and can't eat. Here is what I ate today:

 Breakfast - 9.30am
I managed to get a lie in this morning which was great so breakfast was a little later than normal. For breakfast I had a bowl of porridge made with water and a tiny splash of milk! I had some canderel sweetener on my porridge as I can't have sugar. I also had a large glass of milk with this and my prenatal and metformin tablets.

 Snack - 11.30am
I had a small bowl of strawberries for my mid morning snack today with a large glass of water.

 Lunch - 1.45pm
For lunch today Paul and I had cream of chicken soup with some granary bread and another tall glass of milk. I really enjoyed this lunch and will be making soup more often for lunch!

 Snack - 4.30pm
For my afternoon snack I just had a cheese string with a glass of water.

Dinner - 6.30pm
Paul made this lovely beef curry with basmati rice with cumin spices. I had two poppadoms with this, guilty as charged should of only had one but I was really hungry! I had another glass of milk with my dinner!

Snack - 9pm
My last snack of the day was a low fat strawberry yogurt with a half pint of water.

So that's my what I ate today! What is yours? 

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