Tuesday 15 October 2013

Bump To Baby - 28 Weeks Pregnant

- Baby is the size of an eggplant!
- Baby's lungs are still developing
- Little blip's eyebrows and eyelashes are growing!
- Had an information day about Gestational Diabetes this week, feel a little better now that I have more information and a diet plan on it
- Have lots more hospital and doctor appointments this week to find out more about my gestational diabetes and low iron
- Spent over 6 hours in the hospital today getting lots of tests, scans and appointments with midwifes and doctors. I have been put back on metformin (I was on this before I got pregnant for PCOS) to help my body make insulin

How Many Weeks Pregnant?: 28 Weeks or 7 Months onto the Third Trimester!!

Nickname For Baby?: Little Blip

Gender Of Baby?: We don't know...thinking a girl because of all the trouble I am having ;)

Any Stretch Marks Yet?: Yep got a few more this week all seem to be on lower belly. I don't mind really as its not lots of them plus there are worse things that could happen other then a few stretch marks! Still using lots of Bio Oil!

Any Maternity Clothes Yet?: Got myself a few new pairs of pyjamas and a new pair of maternity jeans.

Any Movement Yet?: I have notice a change is blip's movement pattern the past week or so. The morning time blip doesn't be very active, just a few little soft kicks. Then at lunch time from around 12.30pm till 3pm blip doesn't stop moving, kicking, turning or what ever else its doing in there! Then it goes quite again only slight movements for a while then at dinner time blip goes crazy moving again! Then from 9pm till I go asleep blip doesn't stop moving think it's having a disco in there! I have often fell asleep with blip still kicking and moving! I have also notice that the kicks are getting higher feel like there right up at the top of my ribcage now!

How Is Sleeping?: Sleep is the same as last week not good! Need to go to the toilet around 4/5 times a night and still waking up at 5/6 in the morning with back pain! Napping during the day when I can.

Any Nausea?: None

Food Cravings?: None this week

Food Aversions?: None

Miss Anything From Before Being Pregnant?: Sleep but I guess I will not get that when baby is here either!

Symptoms This Week?: Acne its back with a vengeance this week I have had it only slightly in the past few weeks so I thought it might be gone for good for the rest of the pregnancy but no its back and its really bad again, its actually quite sore too! Upper back pain I was told in the hospital that this is actually my ribs expanding for baby so at least I know what it is and why I am getting it. Indigestion and heartburn.

Worst Moment Of the Week?: Getting told I have gestational diabetes, I was scared and unsure what it was and why I have it. When I went to be information day I was put at ease as we where given allot of information on it. 
Another thing that made me feel really annoyed and frustrated was people's idea of why you have gestational diabetes even close family have said things like "oh you get that from sitting around doing nothing" or "You must of got it because you where eating sweets all the time"!!! So annoying because anyone who knows me, knows I don't just sit around all the time, I walk to work most of the time if I am having a bad day I will walk to the bus stop which is a 20 minute walk from our apartment. I don't eat sweets and crap all the time most of my cravings have been for fresh vegetables and fruit its not like I am having a cake and bag of crisps for breakfast! People need to get some information on gestational diabetes before they make comments like that because they do hurt.
Gestational diabetes is when a pregnant woman's body is not making enough insulin, which is needed to break down sugar in food to turn into energy,  when your body can't do this it causes high sugar levels. In my case I got it because before I got pregnant I had a thing called PCOS Polycystic Ovary Syndrome which is when you have too much of a hormone called testosterone, you get cysts on your ovaries and you don't ovulate. Most women who have PCOS will develop gestational diabetes when pregnant due to the hormone imbalance that they already have. I was also skipping meals and leaving long gaps in-between eating so that also had a factor in why I got gestational diabetes but I am hoping that with my new diet plan and being put back on metformin that things will work out.

Best Moment Of the Week?: Paul, close family, friends and my manager at work all being so supportive the past week. I was so nervous and unsure when I got told I had gestation diabetes but the way my family and friends rallied around me was so nice. Sure I did get a few stupid comments of some people but I hope they didn't mean it in a bad way. One thing I have to say my boss at work has been amazing she has been so supportive and helpful it really nice to have a good support group of family and friends I can turn to

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