Saturday 5 October 2013

Autumn Favourites!

1. Favourite thing about it? I love  the change in the weather, nice, crisp fresh days. A walk in the park as the leaves crunch under my feet. Curling up with a good book, while candles light around me. A cup of hot chocolate while watching Downton Abbey. Feeling cosy in tights, boots and a oversize jumper. Halloween and the promise of Christmas! I can almost see the twinkle of lights already!
2. Favourite drink? I love a nice latte or hot chocolate with marshmallows. If I wasn't pregnant I would have a glass of red wine on a Sunday or a yummy Baileys but they will have to wait till after baby is born!
3. Favourite scent/candle? Scent wise I love Tommy Girl in the Autumn/Winter. Candles I love the Autumn collect from Yankee Candle. Black Cherry, November Rain, Blissful Autumn and Fireside Treats are among my favourites.
4. Favourite thing to eat? I love anything comforting like, pasta bake, stew, casseroles and roast dinners. For desserts I love warm sticky toffee pudding!
5. Go to moisturiser? No7 Beautiful skin range
6. Go to make-up/nail polish colours? I like a brown/beige eye in the Autumn with a fresh face. For nails I always go for a red or purple nail in the Autumn.
7. Favourite music or band/singer to listen to? I love listening to Sarah Brightman's Eden when the seasons change it just captures that mood of fresh, crisp days for me. I also listen to Stevie Nick's Bella Donna and Kate Bush's The Kick Inside alot in Autumn not sure why! I do have to admit that come November I secretly listen to Christmas songs!
8. Favourite outfit to wear (i.e. boots & a scarf combo)? Don't have a favourite outfit at the moment with have a quite large bump at the moment! I do like boots, tights/leggings, with a dress or over sized jumper
9. Autumn treat? (i.e. a new scarf or bag you have your eye on) My Autumn/Winter treats are new boots and new hats! Every year I buy a few pairs of boots and lots of new hats!!
10. Favourite place to be? At home snuggling on the sofa in my pyjamas with lots of candles lit!

What are your Autumn favourites?

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