Tuesday 8 October 2013

Bump To Baby - 27 Weeks Pregnant

- Baby is the size of a rutabaga (what ever that is!)
- Baby’s brain is extremely active now and is continuing to develop
- Movement is getting stronger everyday
- Had my GP appointment this week, everything is going well, got my flu jab, and my iron levels are up
- Had my glucose test this morning got my results back this afternoon and I have gestational diabetes. Have to go back to the hospital on Thursday for more information.  

How Many Weeks Pregnant?: 27 Weeks

Nickname For Baby?: Little Blip

Gender Of Baby?: Don't know....I'm still think a girl, hubby still thinking a boy!!

Any Stretch Marks Yet?: Yep :( I got another two on my lower belly! So that's five in total! Aw well not the end of the world I suppose!

Any Maternity Clothes Yet?: I bought a few pairs of pyjamas and a new winter coat

Any Movement Yet?: Lots and lots of movement this week. Baby is getting more active everyday! Watching baby move and kick is cute but also slightly weird!

How Is Sleeping?: Not getting much sleep to be honest waking a 5am-6am every morning due to back pain, being uncomfortable and restlessness. At least the house work and washing is getting done even if it is all hours of the morning! Still taking naps when I can during the day.

Any Nausea?: None

Food Cravings?: Milk and fresh vegetables! 

Food Aversions?: None this week

Miss Anything From Before Being Pregnant?: To be honest nothing, yes I am uncomfortable and lack of sleep has me shattered but I wouldn't swap this for the world!

Symptoms This Week?: Heartburn, backache, ingestion, bloating, snoring, weird dreams and acne!

Worst Moment Of the Week?: No worse moment this week just a few uncomfortable ones!

Best Moment Of the Week?: Sunday afternoon two lots of ours friends came up it was lovely to chat to the women as the men talked about GTA! The girls talked about buying houses, getting engaged, wedding planning, baby planning, and pregnancy symptoms! It was lovely to catch up with friends.

I can no longer see or find my feet!

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