Monday 28 October 2013

Five Things 35/52

Hi everyone hope you are keeping safe from the crazy weather/storm we are having at the moment! Technically it's still the weekend here in Ireland its a Bank Holiday! We have a October/Halloween Bank Holiday that alot of other countries don't have this weekend! It's great and it's nice to have one last one before Christmas. Here is my five things from this weekend.

Getting out for lunch on Saturday this isn't normally a big deal but with being on bed rest again for the foreseeable future it was nice to get out and about on Saturday. I probably shouldn't have gone out but I needed some fresh air and my body was getting all achy and stiff so I needed a little walk too! Lunch was yummy!

This weekend in Dublin city center it was the Bram Stoker festival. There where lots of events going on, from many Dublin buildings turning red for the night, tours of Bram's childhood home, to a vampire hunt,  and various readings of Dracula. We where looking up what vampire movies where being shown on Merrion Square when Paul saw that they where playing his favourite childhood movie we had to go in to watch it. The festival went on all weekend and there are still events on today.

Relaxing Saturday night with of course a Dracula movie after a long day!

Loving this Cussons Mum & Me Sleep Mist. I didn't expect anything from it to be honest but I have been using it the past few nights and it really works! Got a few really good nights sleep with it waking up feeling really rested.

Lighting candles and getting all cosy while watching Downton Abbey while the wind howled outside on Sunday night!

So that my five things whats yours?

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