Tuesday 11 December 2012

25 Days of Christmas on Film & TV - Day 11

Day 11

The Royle Family -  Christmas Special New Arrival

Today was my day off from work today and I was home alone and feeling a little down after being told I am going to get taxed like crazy on my Christmas wages :( So I needed something funny to watch so I picked The Royle Family first Christmas special for those who have never seen the Royle family before its about a normal working class family from Manchester. There is loud lazy Dad Jim, hard working Mam Barbara, lazy and obnoxious daughter Denis, her easygoing husband Dave and dogsbody brother Anthony. I love this show most of the episodes are centred around the sofa as the family watch TV or eat Sunday dinner. I really love the first Christmas special.

It's Christmas Day. The family have just finished a big Christmas dinner and are all vegging out in front of the telly. Denise and Dave are expecting there first child so Denise is just about ready to pop! Dad Jim moans that there is nothing on TV. The family enjoy tins of sweets washed down with snowballs all the while wearing Christmas cracker hats! I love how its gentle easy comdey and its basically about what every family does at Christmas, eat, drink and watch TV!
Of course just was everyone settles in for the evening Denise goes into labor and the last line of the show is Jim leaving the house bringing Denise to the hospital "Follow that star!"


  1. I absolutely love The royle family!
    I have watched this episode so much and never get tired of it.
    Hope your well, another great choice!

  2. Glad you liked it Vanessa :) Lots more Christmasey choices to come :)


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