Thursday 6 December 2012

25 Days of Christmas on Film & TV - Day 6

Day 6

The Nightmare Before Christmas

Continuing on from yesterday's horror pick today I really fancied watch The Nightmare Before Christmas. I haven't watched this in a few years and I forgot how much I really liked it. It tell the story of Jack Skellington the main man in Halloween Town. Halloween has been a great success but Jack is feeling a little disillusioned with Halloween and craves for something more. While out walking he finds a portal to Christmas Town which entrances him. He loves the excitement of all the new things he sees.

Love the song he sings when he discovers Christmas town "What's This?", meanwhile back in Halloween town the rag doll Sally realizes she has romantic feelings for Jack. Jack decides he loves Christmas so much that he is going to take over it. Cue scenes of scary looking reindeer, children getting scary Christmas presents and Santa Claus getting kidnapped! I really enjoyed watching this movie and I really want the soundtrack now! Enjoy A little Nightmare Before Christmas!

Not sure I would like to wake up to find a Santa like that in my living room!!

1 comment:

  1. When i first watched this movie i couldnt get into it however Nathan loves it and after watching it a couple of times with him i really do like it now!
    Good choice.
    Hope your well.


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