Tuesday 4 December 2012

25 Days of Christmas on Film & TV - Day 4

Day 4

Trading Places

Today is going to be a long day in work and I'm only half an hour into my shift. I am covering sick leave so I am looking forward to going home to the hubby after and settling down to watch my pick which is Trading Places, I had never seen this movie before until Paul made me sit down and watch it. I have to say I LOVED it! Not a typically a Christmas movie but it is set around Christmas. It tells the story of upper class snob and commodities broker Louis Winthorpe (Dan Aykroyd) and a homeless hustler Billy Ray Valentine (Eddie Murphy) who lives change and there paths intertwine when they are are unknowingly made part of an elaborate test and bet of nature versus nurture by wealthy elderly Duke brothers, Randolph and Mortimer.

Louis is framed for a robbery and gets fired from his job and kicked out of his house this is of course all part of the Duke Brothers plan! Louis then meets and stays with Ophelia (Jamie Lee Curtis) a prostitute who agrees to help him in exchange for money when he gets back on his feet. Billy Ray (Eddie Murphy) now has Louis job and is living in his house. At the Duke brothers Christmas party Louis and Billy Ray over hear the Duke brother talking about the bet and realise that they are part of a horrible bet. They team up against the Duke brothers with the help of Ophelia and Louis former Butler, There is allot of funny scenes and a brilliant ending when the Duke Brothers get there comeuppances. Great film and very funny but maybe not one to watch with the kids!


  1. I've never seen or heard of this movie however after reading your description it sound's really good.
    Hope your well.

  2. Thanks Vanessa I love this movie and had never seen it either untill the hubby made me watch it and it is now one of my faves. Glad your enjoy our list so fay :) x


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