Thursday 13 December 2012

25 Days of Christmas on Film & TV - Day 13

Day 13
The Santa Clause 

After a long day at work I am really looking forward to going home and watching this funny Christmas movie. I remember years ago going to the cinema to see it with my family.
It tells the story of Scott Calvin (Tim Allen) a divorced Father and ruthless toy executive. On Christmas Eve, Scott's young son Charlie comes to spend the night with Scott before going to his mother and stepfather's for Christmas Day. Charlie really doesn't want to be there as the evening goes from bad to worse! That night they here a crash on the roof, believing its robbers Scott runs out and frightens them. The trespasser falls off the roof into the snow, Charlie believes its Santa and can't believe his Father killed Santa. The trespasser vanishes leaving just his clothing behind, to show Charlie that is wasn't Santa he killed Scott buts the clothing on. Before noticing there are reindeer and a sleigh on his roof! Scott notices a card in the pocket of the clothing instructing that if something should happen to Santa they should put the clothes on and get into the sleigh, trying to please Charlie, Scott does so. A magical and very funny night ensues of delivering presents to children all over the world.

As the morning comes the reindeer take them to the North Pole where they meet head elf Bernard who shows Scott the small print or "The Clause" on the card that was in the pocket of the suit. Which states whoever wears the suit accepts the contract of "the Santa Clause", agreeing to assume the identity of Santa Claus and all the responsibilities that go with it. Bernard tells Scott he will have eleven months to get his affairs in order before he returns at Thanksgiving to become Santa full time! Scott goes to bed in the North Pole not sure what to think. He wakes up at home thinking it was all a dream! Charlie however is so excited from there trip to the north pole and is so proud that is father is the new Santa. We then see over the next year how Scott magically gains weight, his hair whitens and he has rapid facial hair growth! His ex wife thinks its all a plot to get Charlie to like him more and starts court orders against Scott seeing Charlie.
Charlie's tells Scott  he is indeed Santa he reminds Scott of the adventure they last Christmas. It wins Scott over to accepting his role, and Bernard arrives to take them both to the North Pole. Scott's ex wife fears Scott has kidnapped Charlie and call the police who start a massive investigation, but in the end Scott can't take Charlie with him as he doesn't want his ex wife and her husband worrying about Charlie. So he lands his reindeer and sleigh in front of Charlies house in front of everyone, then everyone now know that Charlie and Scott are telling the truth.
I really love this movie its a lovely funny, gentle, heartwarming movie. One of my favourite Christmas movies.

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