Friday 7 December 2012

25 Days of Christmas on Film & TV - Day 7

Day 7 

The Vicar of Dibley - The Christmas Lunch Incident 

Today is day seven and the first of our TV special picks because Paul and I both had today off work as we are going to see Swan Lake this evening we just watched something quick at lunch time. So we decided to watch one of the Vicar of Dibley specials The Christmas Lunch Incident.

For those who don't watch Vicar of Dibley its about the first female vicar Geraldine Granger in the small quirky town of Dibley. It was the first Christmas special of the series. When Geraldine is invited to four different Christmas dinners she doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings so she goes to all four! Its a really funny Christmas special with each dinner getting bigger and bigger as she goes to each of them. I love the scene when she has an eating competition with David Horton to see who can eat the most brussel sprouts! Enjoyed watching this today and it made me really looking forward to my Christmas dinner!!

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