Sunday 16 December 2012

25 Days of Christmas on Film & TV - Day 16

Day 16

Father Ted - A Christmassy Ted

Today we watched the Father Ted Christmas special being from Ireland and a certain age we love Father Ted and no matter how many times we watch it we always laugh. 
It's Christmas time on Craggy Island and Father Dougal especially is very excited for Christmas! Ted wishes for an uneventful, ordinary Christmas. The doorbell rings and Ted finds a baby on the doorstep however, the mother quickly removes the baby, having mistaken Ted's house for someone else's!

I love the scene when out Christmas shopping all the priests get lost in the underwear section of a huge supermarket! Or how Mrs Doyle keeps falling putting up the decorations! Ted learns he will be getting a award for getting all of the priests out of the underwear section unseen! Of course this goes to his head and he makes a long speech and mentions everyone that done him wrong over the years! 
They have a guess of an unknown priest who tells Ted they where friends back in the day but noone seems to remember him. He is actually trying to steal Ted's award, in the end he is caught and Ted decides to be a better person and priest! Meanwhile Mrs Doyle gets a Christmas present of a tea maker which she hates of course!
I really really love this special it always makes me it ah go on, go on, go on, GO ON!  


  1. I loooooveee this episode of father ted! :)
    I am going to buy it on itunes now and watch if after in bed.
    Hope your well.

  2. Glad you like it Vanessa its one of my favourites too!


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